Contact: Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., President
             American Pain Institute (API)
             918-503-6235     662-247-3364
             web sites:

Pain Patients Call For Oklahoma
Governor Fallen to Waive Obamacare

Pain Patients on Medicaid Unable to
Fill Their Prescriptions Face Crises

(ROLAND, OKLAHOMA) - Chronic pain patients are facing a medical crises in Oklahoma. As of July 1, 2011, new federal regulations passed by congress, known by many as Obamacare, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), many pain patients are unable to get their desperately needed pain presciptions filled by pharmacists. Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, who has the power to waive the regulations, has yet to act on behalf of medicaid patients in chronic pain.

"Many of my patients are contemplating suicide rather than live in excruciating pain," states Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., Medical Director of the Wellness Clinic of Roland, in Roland, Oklahoma. "I have pleaded with Governor Fallin to do what many other Governors have done across the country and waive these damaging federal health care regulations that will most certainly lead to much suffering for many Oklahoma Medicaid pain patients."

"We need Governor Fallin to please listen to the many chronic pain patients in Oklahoma who are suffering needlessly," states Sandi Walters, a chronic pain patient at the Wellness Clinic of Roland. "We hope that she is a Governor that has compassion. She needs only to imagine herself trapped in the body of a poor person in chronic pain for many years, suddenly unable to get their medications, now dealing with withdrawal and contemplating suicide, hoping from some kind of miracle."

A Protest Rally has been scheduled for Thursday, July 28, 2011, at 12 noon, at the Wellness Clinic of Roland, 205 East Ray Fine Boulavard, Roland, Oklahoma.

For more information contact Sandi Walters at 479-459-4308; e-mail: or Dr. Myers at 918-503-6235 or 662-247-3364; e-mail:; web sites: or


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